TrustED Development Blogs

Guidance From Our Subject Matter Experts

TrustED Development TrustED Development

International Day of Charity

September 5th is recognized as International Day of Charity.  According to the United Nations Website, The International Day of Charity was established with the objective of sensitizing and mobilizing people, NGOs, and stakeholders all around the world to help others through volunteer and philanthropic activities. The 5 of September was chosen in order to commemorate the anniversary of the passing away of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 "for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a threat to peace.

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TrustED Development TrustED Development

Leadership…A View from Behind the Curtain

What do you think of when you hear the word “leader” or “leadership”?  For most people, we probably think of people like the president, the CEO of a company, or our supervisor.  Maybe an outspoken celebrity comes to mind or someone who is innovative and breaking strides in a certain field. 

People who aren’t afraid to stand on the stage front and center, those who take charge, and call the shots. Sure, we want our leaders to be people we look up to, people who lead the way, people to get out there and show us how it’s done!  

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TrustED Development TrustED Development

Celebrating Fatherhood

If your dad is from the Baby Boomer generation, chances are when it comes to Emotional Intelligence (EQ), he can read people well, but typically kept his emotions in check. Gen X dads and millennials may be a little more open to showing emotions from time to time. There have been many articles written and studies done on how the different generations navigate EQ and who does it “better”.  The same can be said for the topics of empathy, stress and resiliency, and leadership. But, just for a moment, let’s look at the different ways our dads taught us these things. 

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TrustED Development TrustED Development

Focusing on Emotional Intelligence:  How Organizations Can Benefit

You have probably heard the term “emotional intelligence” (also known as EQ), but wondered what exactly does it mean?  You may have also wondered why you should care about it, particularly in the workplace where we should be controlling our emotions and acting in a professional, rational manner.  It turns out that, whether we realize it or not, many of us are already familiar with the concept of EQ, and there are multiple reasons why we should care about it, especially in the workplace. 

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TrustED Development TrustED Development


Whether you are just starting on your journey to leadership, halfway there, or a seasoned leader, there is always something new to learn.   It’s about having the right people around you, overcoming your challenges, knowing your strengths, and growing in ways you may have never thought possible.  Enjoy the journey and discover the “places you’ll go!”  

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Shawna Moser Shawna Moser

We’re “Growing” Places!

Sometimes growth happens naturally and unexpectedly.  Life lessons, mistakes we’ve made, teachable moments, or just being forced to expand even if we may have resisted. But what if we chose to focus on learning and growing and we’re intentional about it?  What if we were determined that this is the year we are going to make learning a priority? How much more could we grow? How much could we share with others?  We tell ourselves that learning a new skill, becoming more self-aware, or taking that training can wait. Afterall, we are busy people who must set priorities. What if in this coming year we put learning first? We may see that other things in our lives just fall into place.

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TrustED Development TrustED Development


When it comes to professional coaching, the impact is no different. It can save careers, boost careers, make us leaders, and transform us into great leaders. Having the right coach makes all the difference. It’s a partnership that empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve their professional goals, while impacting them personally. In the ever-evolving landscape of the professional world, coaching serves as a valuable compass, providing guidance and support to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities.  A good coach can help you realize your strengths, face your challenges and conquer them, increase your self-awareness, grow your emotional intelligence, and so much more. 

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TrustED Development TrustED Development

How to Use Job Benchmarking in the Hiring Process

Job benchmarking is the process of evaluating and comparing jobs within an organization—including roles, responsibilities, qualifications, skillsets, duties, etc.—to determine appropriate salaries and benefits for each position. This process helps to ensure that employees are compensated fairly based on their level of experience and responsibilities. In addition to providing competitive salaries, job benchmarking also helps organizations avoid underpaying employees due to outdated compensation structures or misalignment in departmental budgets.

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TrustED Development TrustED Development

What is Project Management….and why do we need it?

Chances are you have participated in a project at your organization at some point in your career whether you realize it or not.  So what exactly is Project Management and how does it help get work done?

Project Management is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projects effectively and efficiently. It’s a strategic competency for organizations, enabling them to tie project results to business goals — and thus, better compete in their markets.

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TrustED Development TrustED Development


Empathy helps us understand and connect with one other emotionally.  It allows us to see another perspective, find common ground, and build social bonds.  This short video by Brene Brown does a good job on describing empathy. Without empathy, we may struggle to relate to those who are different from us, leading to biases we are unable to see.  This can impact relationships both personally and professionally.  Lack of empathy may contribute to an environment where individuals feel isolated, misunderstood, or unsupported.   Empathy is a cornerstone for emotional well being and it is a critical skill in today’s society.   

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TrustED Development TrustED Development

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB)

In the corporate world, the terms diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) have become common. They are often used in meetings, seminars, and mission statements, but the real challenge lies in moving beyond buzzwords and addressing the fatigue that can accompany these concepts. To truly foster a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and belonging culture, organizations and individuals must go beyond the surface and actively engage in meaningful actions and discussions.

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