TrustED Development Blogs

Guidance From Our Subject Matter Experts

TrustED Development TrustED Development


Whether you are just starting on your journey to leadership, halfway there, or a seasoned leader, there is always something new to learn.   It’s about having the right people around you, overcoming your challenges, knowing your strengths, and growing in ways you may have never thought possible.  Enjoy the journey and discover the “places you’ll go!”  

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Shawna Moser Shawna Moser

We’re “Growing” Places!

Sometimes growth happens naturally and unexpectedly.  Life lessons, mistakes we’ve made, teachable moments, or just being forced to expand even if we may have resisted. But what if we chose to focus on learning and growing and we’re intentional about it?  What if we were determined that this is the year we are going to make learning a priority? How much more could we grow? How much could we share with others?  We tell ourselves that learning a new skill, becoming more self-aware, or taking that training can wait. Afterall, we are busy people who must set priorities. What if in this coming year we put learning first? We may see that other things in our lives just fall into place.

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