noun: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Compassion, understanding, kindness, and care are all words that come to mind when we think of empathy.
But these days it seems that we see less and less of that in our society. Maybe it’s social media. Maybe it’s our busy schedules or our seemingly declining mental health. Maybe we can even blame some of it on the lasting effects of the pandemic. Whatever it is, humans just don’t seem to have as much empathy for one another as they used to.
Empathy helps us understand and connect with one other emotionally. It allows us to see another perspective, find common ground, and build social bonds. This short video by Brene Brown does a good job on describing empathy. Without empathy, we may struggle to relate to those who are different from us, leading to biases we are unable to see. This can impact relationships both personally and professionally. Lack of empathy may contribute to an environment where individuals feel isolated, misunderstood, or unsupported. Empathy is a cornerstone for emotional well being and it is a critical skill in today’s society.
In the empathy workshops at TrustED Development, you’ll learn why empathy in the workplace matters. We’ll teach you the skills, tools, and strategies necessary for your organization to start building a more empathetic culture. Get started today!
“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eye for an instant?” - Henry David Thoreau
Check out our website to learn more. We can’t wait to help you get started!
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