Stress & Resiliency


We all have it. 

Sometimes it comes in the form of the washer breaking the same week your car gets a flat tire and your gas bill doubled. Other times, it’s the really heavy stuff like serious illness, loss of a loved one, or any unexpected tragedy. But it’s how we make it through to the other side of those situations that matters.  How we adapt and recover from adversity, and learn from difficult experiences is what determines how resilient we are.

In the workplace, resiliency is often a skill that is critical to job roles.  Resilient employees are better equipped to handle change and maintain performance when faced with challenges.  Resilient leaders have the ability to guide their teams through uncertainty while inspiring confidence.

To be able to manage our stress and grow resiliency, we first must identify what is causing the stress. In TrustED Development’s, Addressing Workplace Stress to Develop Resiliency , we include a TTI Stress Quotient assessment that will help you learn exactly what is causing your stress in the workplace. 

Below is an example page from the assessment report. 

After identifying your main stressors, you can prioritize issues and find the tools to help manage them.   We will also show you how to recognize the symptoms of stress within your organization. 

Check out our website to learn more.  We can’t wait to help you get started!

Does your company need training? Contact the TrustED Development Team today to learn more about our classes!

TrustED Development

Learning with Purpose, Growing in Confidence. TrustED Development delivers comprehensive training programs that equip teams and individuals with the skills and strategies to excel both professionally and personally.


Emotional Self-Control


Job Benchmarking